Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) development aims to help students in developing personally and socially and tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that affect them today. It equips students with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions.


The ethos and climate of Orsett Heath makes an important contribution to SMSC. However, the following also play an important contribution:

  • A Religious Studies programme which develops self-esteem and knowledge and an ability to reflect on and develop individuals own spiritual values
  • A PSHE programme which encourages learning and develops student’s awareness of core values as soon as students arrive
  • Themed tutor time discussions based on all aspects of SMSC
  • An assembly programme to address all aspects of SMSC and British Values
  • A student support structure, including pastoral care, that is focused on learning and providing appropriate information advice and guidance for students as well as opportunities to explore pathways of development
  • Educational enrichment trips, creative partnerships and visiting speakers provide students with a range of experiences, which may promote a sense of awe and wonder about the world
  • A rewards system developing student self-esteem through certificates, postcards home, and awards at all levels
  • The use of school council and other student leadership opportunities to involve students in the school life
  • Celebration of key events and awareness days, such as Anti-Bullying Week
Spiritual Development This area is related to the beliefs, feelings and emotions through which students acquire worthwhile insights into their own lives. All areas of the curriculum may contribute to spiritual development. Although education and spiritual development are not synonymous, school experiences can make a significant contribution to spiritual development. Students will be provided with opportunities to develop their spiritual understanding by experiencing a curriculum which will:

·       Develop their self-esteem, self-knowledge and belief in themselves;

·       Allow them to develop a range of personal values and beliefs based on a sense of curiosity and respect towards their own and other beliefs;

·       Explore the spiritual values of others through stories, drama, music, art and religious education to name just a few;

·       Allow them to express themselves in a variety of ways and give them time to reflect on their own experiences;

·       Allow them to understand, express, use and control feelings and emotions as well as encouraging empathy in terms of relationships with others

Moral Development Refers to the student’s knowledge, understanding, intentions, attitudes and behaviour to what is right and wrong. The school has a well-established Behaviour Policy and staff promote a supportive approach to the management of challenging behaviour Objectives to promote this development are to;

·       Promote the concept of excellent behaviour by being kind and considerate, helpful to others and listening to what they have to say

·       Ensuring commitment to school and classroom rules

·       Ensuring you are equipped and ready for learning

·       Commitment to a health, safe and environmental friendly school

Social Development Related to the skills and personal qualities necessary for individuals to live and function effectively in society Students will be encouraged to:

·       Maintain and develop relationships within the school working successfully with other students and adults in the school community;

·       Respond to the opportunities being offered, to show initiative and to take responsibility for their own learning in the school community;

·       Gain an understanding of the wider society through their family and carers, the school, local and wider communities;

·       Actively participate in the school community and beyond into the wider community outside of school.

Cultural Development Refers to pupils increasing understanding and response to those elements, which give societies and groups their unique character. The school will promote the cultural traditions of our own area and the ethnic and cultural diversity of the world Students will be encouraged to;

·       Appreciate, understand and respect aspects of their own and other cultural environments in terms of beliefs, values, attitudes, customs, knowledge and skills;

·       Recognise that similarities and differences may exist between different societies and groups;

·       Experience a range of cultural activities in terms of literature, music, technology, art and design, dance, drama, sport and other media;

·       Broaden, develop and enrich their interests and insights through interacting with opportunities the school and the wider community provides.